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inkyclone99 · 6 days ago
Omega so chubby

.well fed baby
..the way he looks at her
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momma hunter for @inkyclone99 !! thank you for commissioning me đŸ«¶đŸ’•đŸ’•
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sk3tch404 · 5 months ago
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It's always him. This mf.
This wasn't an itch. It's a GODDAMN RASH.
I want to start drawing more complex/expressive things in my art bc I wanna realize my full potential as an artist. I also want to put more "horror" elements to emphasize the terror of yanderes lol
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year ago
Having Momma Echo back makes me so happy. Why? Well, here’s why:
Being the reasonable one who breaks up Hunter and Crosshair’s spat when they’re at each other’s throat.
Counseling Omega and telling her that she did the right thing by escaping when she felt guilty at leaving so many clones behind during said escape.
Validating Omega’s desire to help the clones still on Tantiss by letting her know that the information she and Crosshair provided and what they got off Nala Se’s datapad would be useful for him and Rex in that regard.
Being pleasantly surprised and happy that Hunter and Crosshair didn’t draw blood in their conversation at the end of the episode (and seeing that as a positive development).
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landfilloftrash · 6 months ago
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“Even bad men love their mommas.”
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Echo checks his comm, part 5
(Did it take me almost 2 weeks to come up with a new one after the finale? Yes.)
Message from: Lanky Bastard
"Come on over to Tantiss, they have great ear doctors, cause it seems that none of you cAN FUCKING LISTEN-"
Message from: Tech
"I lived, you derogatory term directed to women based on misogynistic notions on female sexuality."
*Tech sent a photo**Tech in a hospital bed, front tooth chipped, circular bruises around his eyes from the frames of his googles hitting him, blood soaked bandage around his head, dopey smile from the painkillers, tries to do a peace sign for the photo, but all his fingers are in a cast so his attempt is futile*
Change contact info: My idiot brother
(4)Message from: <3 my best girl <3
"Mom, why did you never tell me I had a sister"
"Can you pick me up, Hemlock's breath smells like Wrecker's unwashed socks and its digustang"
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years ago
Hmmm I kinda want to put together a list of writing prompts
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marvelfan-15 · 2 years ago
God please make this happen, I really really want all of the world to get their news from that one destiel meme
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I cannot stress enough to Tumblr staff that they do not need to change the site. Do not try to be like Twitter. Do not try to be like Reddit. Do not alter how this site works.
Tumblr will be the most popular social media site if they continue letting all these other sites implode
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zepskies · 10 months ago
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean is your rock, but you’ve become his place of rest.
AN: Surprise! Just something short and sweet for Dean. 💜
Word Count: 600
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship; fluff, hurt/comfort, tinge of angst
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On nights like these, the urge hits you the most.
You’re already in bed, wearing one of his old shirts and little else. You’re waiting for Dean, watching him finish brushing his teeth. He wraps it up by splashing some water on his face.
He stops for a moment, with his hands on the edges of the sink. He looks at his reflection and rubs a hand over the thick stubble on his face.
It’s halfway to beard territory. He needs a trim, he’s probably thinking.
(You don’t mind a little extra scruff.)
He hesitates, looking deeper at his own reflection. You notice the lines around his tired eyes, the weight of the last hunt still heavy on his shoulders. It's weighing on yours too, having carved out another small notch in your heart.
But you also know how many more layers this man carries, including the ones he adds himself.
“Dean,” you prompt quietly.
His head turns in your direction, and you give him a smile, beckoning him over.
Again, he hesitates. But he goes to you. After dipping his side of the bed with his weight, he smoothes a hand over your hair in affection. He takes off his father’s watch; the last piece of the hunter’s armor before he lays down on his back beside you. The old metal and leather watch clunks on the nightstand.
He then opens an arm to welcome you over, where you routinely find a place against his side.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs, his voice low and gravel. Your lips curve, but you gently push his arm back down to his side.
“Turn over,” you say, making a rolling gesture with your finger. Dean’s brows knit together in confusion, but he’s just curious enough to heed the encouragement of your hands on his arm and his back. He turns onto his side, facing away from you.
You settle yourself higher on your pillows, and you guide him backwards, until he’s resting against your soft upper body. You wrap your arms over his broad shoulders, and your hand moves, soothing across his chest. Even now, you feel the tension in his frame.
“Relax,” you say in a near whisper. You press a lingering kiss to his cheek. “I’ve always wanted to be the big spoon.”
A smile raises the corners of Dean’s lips. He even chuckles, shaking both of you.
“Yeah? Feels kinda weird,” he admits. He doesn’t think he’s been held like this since he was a kid.
“Well, give it a minute,” you say, with a bit of cheekiness.
Then you sigh and settle into this yourself. When your arms cross over his chest, Dean grabs your wrist, holding you there. He lets out another deep breath of his own.
Okay, he agrees, if only in his mind. Not bad.
He does relax against you, inhaling the floral scent of your body wash, feeling the tickle of your hair on his shoulder, and the gentle rise and fall of your breath. It's all familiar, and reminds him that he's home.
Dean leans over to turn off the light on his nightstand, but he returns to your embrace. He reaches back, just to stroke your cheek in a silent thanks. Smiling in the dark, you lay another kiss on the side of his head, and you close your eyes.
Dean does the same. He lets your warmth seep into his body, releasing the tension of a shitty hunt. He tries to let go of the faces he couldn’t save.
And he actually rests. 
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AN: Just one of my little daydreams that I finally got a chance to write down. 💜
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms
@foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373
@this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma
@iprobablyshipit91 @melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy
@wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons
@anticxrrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk
@midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19 @agalliasi @venicesem
@chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx
@candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester
@chernayawidow @mimaria420 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @waynes-multiverse
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robinsgrl · 2 months ago
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kildare nights. eight, blocked. previous ! next
gold at hand and no more treasures to hunt, the freshly graduated treasure hunters are left to deal with the simple life. as simple as a certain level of fame and millions of dollars in the obx can get you, at least.
an. moving too fast? cry to your momma about it 🙄 (me, i think im moving really fast) but seriously i love all of you so much i love it when yall are gasping and grasping with me đŸ€­đŸ€­ sorry no jj interaction

. yall that’s my baby let him wrap his head around this
taglist. @sippinpeachtea @leather-n-velvet @beebeerockknot @star611 @emer-sonnn @miidollaasignnn @vrtualstar @rafecameronsloverrrrr @jeonjungkaka @amara-mars @chaoticroaddreamerpasta @yawnzshit @poppet05 @proxy-princess @zomb-1-egutzz @starsval @ethanthequeefqueen @moonssyrup @sarahmaybank @bilssturns @cakuqe @marleymarleymarleymarley @louxmcl @sheisntyou @always-reading @eitaababe @aesthetic-lyssa @carlandoxlestappen @acidfeens @aweasleyobrien @murdockcastleslut @k-k0129 @grapejuice32 @flvredcas @love-hs28 @lola11111111 @youtubewag @212-apricity @kittycatqueenie @anothertimegirl (send an ask or comment to be added to the taglist! those in red can’t be tagged. If I missed you, sorry, please remind me again!)
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florainkingdom · 6 months ago
"I'll hold you to that," Ofélia said as she continued to walk off. The gamba was actually tired, and a bit sore as well. Never thought she'd get such a workout, though that last elbow drop managed to actually catch her off guard as she'd never expected an opossum to jump that high and elbow drop that high.
"I already made the choice as soon as I got the phone call. Poppy may have stopped me from coming before, though not this time. I already got my bakery right here," Scarlett said, holding up blue cube about the size of a sugar cube. "I meant to grab your home as well, though we had to rush back. Luckily, I had planned for that." Suddenly a tiny green version of Scarlett would run up carrying another cube. "There you are Envy." The feline picked up the cup as the small version of herself disappeared.
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"You weren't kidding when you said you have no envy for anything." Poppy knew of her mother's Lucky Star, mainly because her sister Bella had inherited an evolved version of it. Speaking of which a feline wearing a white suit with matching gloves and a sword. "Hey Bella, surprised you aren't packing up. Unless you can't move since you took that whole oath thing."
"I already packed my things before coming here. Mainly because I have little choice now. Abandoning the Oath of The Iron Palm is punishable by death. Yet as the acting Grandmaster of The Iron Palm Rosa lessened my sentence. Banishment from feline country." Bella would be quick to raise her hand seeing Poppy ready to storm off. "I knew the consequences of leaving my post so suddenly, though I heard the phone booth being destroyed. I rushed over to make things were okay, though a resident Iron Palm stationed here prevented me from joining the fray."
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Poppy seemed pretty steamed right now as she looked at Rosa's direction. "Hey!" The opossum yelled getting the feline's attention. "Had one of your fancy Iron Palm here, yet they were too chicken to get involved! You guys suck! My sister is ten times braver than you lot!" She yelled at them, making Bella put her face into her hands. Rose seemed to be a good sport and laughed before going back to her business.
Scarlett then hit Poppy in the head with the cane again. "You're lucky Rosa didn't take offense to your statement. You're strong, though if she wished she could've ended your life before anyone of us could react. She was the pervious Grandmaster for a reason. Though I believe you may have screwed over whoever was stationed here."
"Quite right. In the event a battle with a bounty starts damaging the city if an Iron Palm is present, they must get involved and settle the matter by making them move the battle outside the city. I suspect the reason why they refused was, well, they wished to see an opossum fall more than doing their job." Bella was sure they'd be punished for not doing their job.
Leo glanced back at the Gamba with a soft smile, he knew she was right of course. A Fact he'd come to realize while fighting her himself. He couldn't hit her with that body, at least not without enhancement spells. Had he played defensive he may have caught her off gaurd yet he was worried she might go after poppy if he didn't do anything. In the end though, maybe he should have remained near poppy and intercepted those attacks as they came. But no sense dwelling on the past he had a healthy respect for her regardless.
" If you ever find yourself in Sol, i'll buy you drink "
Blaze smiled at Poppy and wrapped her arms around her larger arm and walked with her toward the crowd. As if letting her go she might end up in another scrap. Chaos she needed to not be as clingy but she couldn't help herself. Her eyes drifting to those whom she assumed were royals. In truth this was the first taste of it for poppy, more would come both from here and Sol both. She released Poppy when she was closer to her family to give her room to talk to her loved ones. She remained just a few feet away though in truth---she was a smidge jealous of that family bond.
She had no family, she hadn't been born like they had, and didn't have a normal childhood. But she could see such a powerful bond, and desperately wished she had that. She envied Poppy for what she had but was happy she had them. Though at scarlet's declaration they would be moving to Sol, she was more then a little shocked! That she did not expect, for them to uproot there lives to be with Poppy? well it was a comfort and a sweet gesture.
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" Are you certain you wish to uproot your lives so quickly for a strange land? I can't say Sol is not without its troubles and woes... But if it is what you wish... "
She had to admit she didn't expect that, though it warmed her heart to see them ready to make that sacrifice for Poppy. She must be well loved by her family. Plus it would be nice for Lilly to have her family close by and not feel so isolated.
" I shall make arrangements. I wouldn't deny a family the right to stay close. But there will be quite the learning curve... "
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year ago
Something tells me that Wrecker and Echo have an entire comm/text thread that is just devoted to Wrecker venting to Echo (and Echo providing counseling). The things Wrecker vents about include, but are not limited to:
Wrecker still feeling a lot of guilt about not getting Tech back up to the sky-car safely (being the Strong One didn’t save their brother), compounded with them losing Omega shortly thereafter and being betrayed by Cid.
Hunter being Not Okay while they were searching for Omega, and Wrecker doing his best to hold it together
Hunter running into situations half-cocked and without a plan, and Wrecker is extra worried about his brother because of this.
Omega’s safe and home! And she brought a puppy. This isn’t so much a rant as it is a gleeful declaration, followed by a flurry of pics for proof.
Wrecker needing a friendly ear to talk through how he had been worried it’d be a trap/not Omega when they got her message, and now he’s feeling guilty for feeling that way.
Crosshair’s return and all of Wrecker’s complicated feelings about that.
Hunter and Crosshair being at each other’s throats and sniping at one another. Wrecker is getting tired of breaking up their very loud disagreements. (“Mom! I need help!”)
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angelsrcute · 10 months ago
(Ž∀*)Î”ïœ€ă€€) ౚৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Master!Scara + Sub!Maid!F!Reader ➜ cws: knife play, dub-con, hair pulling, dirty talk, hunter/prey, degradation, power dynamics, Mirror sex, unprotected + raw sex, baby-trapping, breeding kink, tit-play. ᥎êȘ«â€Ž
‎ ꒰ † à©­ — ‎For the event! This was inspired by some game where the master of a mansion kills his maids or smt, no idea which game it is tho + THANK YOU FOR 1.5K FOLLOWERS!!! giving kisses to every1 đŸ«¶
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Master!Scara who appoints new maids every month, no one really knows why the maids disappear but they do know something is wrong with him. The place where his mansion is really shady too.
Master!Scara who doesn't know if he should call you weird or just oblivious, you apparently had zero idea on what was going on, needed money so bad. Well that just makes stuff easier, right?
Master!Scara who doesn't realise but he's falling for you, hard. That maid dress that's oh so tight because he was the one who chose it. So on the night where he's supposed to kill you, you play hide and seek with him. Ah, his favourite game. He considers letting you live cause you're just so cute, it'll be a waste of beauty if he kills you.
Master!Scara who hums while walking with a knife, the other maids already dead. Some blood on his clothes, he definitely knows you're hiding under the bed. But he decided to play along any way, just when you felt like you could escape, he grabbed your ankle and dragged you out.
Master!Scara who currently has you on his bed, hands tied up with his belt, face facing the mirror, and why does he have a mirror in his bedroom? God knows. Shoulders littered with hickeys as you try to bite back moans.
You looked so pathetic, eyes all teary, your gummy walls squeezing his length when he coos degrading words to you.
“Fuck– Do you like that, huh? Such a stupid slut, here you're saying no but your pussy says otherwise.” He mocks you with his infamous smirk.
Master!Scara who pulls at your hair and spanks your ass when you try to pull away. His knife so close to your throat as his cock kisses your sweet spot, thrusting you forward everytime.
He'd lick your tears, “I should just engrave–...my name on your skin, you belong to me, little slut. Say it..”
Master!Scara who says he's gonna fuck you pregnant when his kid, so you'd never leave him. Play his pretty little wife. Fuck, he's already getting hard off that thought. Teeth gently nipping at your buds as he blushes at the thought of them filled up with milk.
You'd look so cute as his baby momma!
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months ago
Little Pack Christmas
Wolf!Natasha x Reader
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You and your wolf hybrid mate Natasha Romanoff were adjusting quite well to being parents to young five year old twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. The twins loved you both so much. They could barely stand to be apart from you. Even when you got them enrolled in a little school close by, they needed you both there to pick up and drop them off.
With the winter months approaching fast, you and Natasha had to move full time into your apartment. The guest room was already set up for the twins while Natasha moved comfortably into your room.
It was fantastic having everyone under one roof. And with the passage of time, you and Natasha realized that your first Christmas as a family was coming up.
“What are we gonna do?” Natasha found herself pacing the grounds of your apartment, “it’s our first real Christmas with them!”
“Baby they just need to know how much we love them.” You try to ease your mate’s nerves, “all that matters is that we’re all together. We’re a family now. And family is forever”
“Family” Natasha whispers, a little tear making its way down her cheek, “we have a family.” A little giggle escapes your wolf girl’s lips.
“We have a family” you let out a happy little chuckle
Wanda started showing interest in magical creatures and plushies. Pietro was showing all the makings of a young athlete. Honestly you were happy to see them thrive.
As it drew closer to Christmas. You and Natasha began decorating the apartment. The twins were more than eager to help with set up. You and Natasha would put the tree up, the twins worked on the ornaments.
In the evenings, you would watch old Christmas specials together. Pietro would cuddle into Natasha’s side while little Wanda loved staying cuddled between you and Natasha.
Finally Christmas Day had arrived. And with it, the children were the first up. The little deer hybrids ran into your bedroom, their little deer tails wiggling with anticipation.
“It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!!!” Little doe Wanda exclaimed as she jumped on you.
Little Pietro took to jumping on Natasha, eager as ever, “wake up! Wake up!!”
Natasha let out a little wolf growl; despite loving the fact that she was a mother now, she still had to get use to how rambunctious kids can be.
“Give Momma and Poppa a couple minutes to wake up, detkas,” you explained before shuttling them out of your room.
Natasha sat up, her reddish hair and wolf tail being an absolute case of bed head. She turned to you with a little hum in her voice.
“Merry Christmas, my hunter” she whispered.
You tenderly took her face in your hands and kissed her, “merry Christmas my honey wolf”
Natasha giggled and took your face in her hands. The two of you sharing little kisses for a minute or so. Even though your eyes were closed, you could hear Natasha’s tail swishing happily against the bedsheets.
The two of you made your way to the living room and put on a Christmas music playlist.
You pulled out two presents for Wanda and Pietro, in truth you weren’t able to buy much due to the sanctuary being a charity that’s still trying to find its footing. But still the children’s eyes gleamed as you presented them with their gifts.
Pietro tore thru his present with glee and found a pair of new track shoes. He had really gotten into running lately.
“Track shoes!!!” The little buck shouted happily, “thank you Momma, Poppa!!”
Wanda tore delicately through her presents to find a little stuffed Niffler from the Fantastic Beasts movies. She had been slowly finding herself a fan of the Wizarding World Series.
“Niffler!!” The little doe exclaimed as she held it to her chest, “I won’t let you out of my sight, mister! Thanks Momma and Poppa”
Natasha smiled, seeing her children so excited for their presents. You slide a small box into your wolf girl’s lap.
“And this is from Poppa to Momma” you said with a little wink.
Natasha opened her gift to find a little pendant necklace with a little see through orb as its centerpiece.
“My hunter,” she whispers, “it’s amazing.”
“Look through the centerpiece,” you instructed her.
Natasha held up the centerpiece to her eye and saw the moon in its particular pathway. “It’s the moon,” she responded.
“Correction. It’s how the moon looked on the day you and I first met all those years ago.” You replied with a smile.
“Oh baby” Natasha teared up before launching herself into your arms, her tail wagging back and forth excitedly.
You kissed her wolf ears while rubbing her lower back. Your children dog piled onto you too. You couldn’t help but chuckle at your predicament. You were being love bombed by your whole family.
Your family. You wouldn’t trade any moment of this for the world.
A merry Christmas indeed.
Tags @lifespectator @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @ma1egamer @julieromanoff @texaswolf23 @pinklawyerwinnerzonk @russianredassassin @revanshand @iiconicsfan25 @idkwhatever580 @moonlit-imagines @moonlit-ficrecs @moonpheus @multi-fandom-enjoyer
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redcobrareblog · 2 years ago
Hunter being snatched away by mama Arti
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Hunter and mom who cares about them
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overkill-max · 4 months ago
Cruz x Aaliyah Fanfics:
Here is a shameless plug of my Cruz x Aaliyah fics by order of popularity on AO3:
1. Duty and Desire aka The Bodyguard AU
Aaliyah is an FBI agent that does interrogations. Cruz is assigned to protect her.
2. The Arrangement aka The Fake Marriage AU
What starts off as a fake marriage with only one bed, turns into something real for them both.
3. Hard To Forget aka The Canon Adjacent Fix-It AU
Where Cruz makes different choices that ripple into her admitting who she is to Aaliyah before the wedding.
4. Love and War aka The War Correspondent AU
Aaliyah is a war correspondent and Cruz is a Marine that protects her.
5. Second Chances aka The Man on Fire AU
Aaliyah is a rich milf that wants her daughter to be safe, she hires Cruz to protect her and sparks fly.
6. Brave Enough To Love aka The Rescue Me AU
Cruz chooses Aaliyah over the mission but Aaliyah gets married anyway. It's a mistake and she asks Cruz to come rescue her.
7. Tutor Me aka The Learning How To Drive AU
College AU where Aaliyah and Cruz help each other become better and fall in love in the process.
8. The Lost Mask aka The Sexy Treasure Hunter AU
Cruz and Aaliyah go on an adventure and fall in love.
9. Your Country Needs More aka The Speculative Futures AU
Joe uses Aaliyah to manipulate Cruz back into doing her bidding. Written before season 2 aired, so it was wild speculation.
10. First Date: Take Two aka The First Date AU
A fluffy take on Cruz and Aaliyah getting a second shot at getting things right.
11. Queen of the Sun aka The Warrior AU
The no plot, just vibes Cruz is an ancient warrior and falls in love with Aaliyah after being captured fic.
12. Announcement No. 746 aka The Mail-Order Bride AU
Historical fiction where Cruz is a mail-order bride and Aaliyah sugar momma's her way into her heart.
13. Once, We Were In Love aka The Last of the Mohicans AU
Another gay take on a classic movie. Cruz is a frontierswoman and Aaliyah is a gay lady trying to love another lady while action happens around them.
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alexsoenomel · 5 months ago
Through The Amplifier
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Summary: Seeing Metallica with Dean for his birthday đŸŽ¶
Based on: THIS
Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI , implied smut, actual smut (but cute fluffy smut), mentions of death, Dean and Reader being nerds
Word count: 8k (I like writing backstories sue me)
Song mentioned (The actual setlist btw): Ride the Lightning,  For Whom The Bell Tolls, Lux Æterna, Until It Sleeps, Whiplash, Too Far Gone? Welcome Home (Sanitarium), No Leaf Clover, The Call of Ktulu, Moth into Flame,  Wherever I May Roam, Inamorata, Blackened, One and Enter Sandman ( Also Wrong Side of Heaven and Jekyll and Hyde by Five Finger Death Punch)
Note: This year I saw one of my favorite bands and finally fulfilled my lifelong dream. I went by myself and had an absolute blast so this idea just came to me.
Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
“Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Sam?” I said as I pressed the buy tickets button. The website loaded for a couple of seconds before my phone went off. 
“Yeah, I'm sure. I don't listen to Metallica,” Sam told me as I checked my email to see two tickets for Metallica in Inglewood, California in six months.
“How can you NOT listen to Metallica?”
“Not my cup of tea, I guess.” 
“You, Charlie?”
“I don’t like old men in leather,” she simply said, making me chuckle.
To say that I was excited would be an understatement. I was overjoyed, ecstatic, and adrenaline-filled, already mentally preparing for the concert. It was indeed destiny. Metallica was performing two days after Dean's birthday in Inglewood, and since we both shared one dream: seeing them live, I saw it as a sign. Videos from their M72 world tour have bombarded my social media ever since it started, and I decided it was now or never. 
“How much are the tickets?” Sam asked.
I bit my lip and mumbled: “14k.”
“For two tickets?!” Charlie’s eyes widened in disbelief. 
“Each,” I simply said. 
" (Y/N)?! " Sam's gaze was on me, and I could feel it burning. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly, and he gave me a silent look of judgment. 
“I can explain!” 
“I'm listening!” He said, voice as sharp as a knife. 
“You know that rich vampire guy I was sleeping with before we met?” 
“The son of the rich vampire?” 
“Yeah, that one. After we killed them I found his laptop where he kept all of his secrets plus his bank account and asked Charlie to transfer everything to me.” 
“How much?”
“Everything,” Charle said proudly. 
“Untraceable and undetectable thanks to her, so technically it’s not our money,” I added.  
“But wasn't that two years ago?” 
“Yeah, he had a lot of money,” Charlie told Sam as he stared at me connecting the dots.
“That explains why the fridge is always full now.” 
“Yeah, you’re welcome,” Charlie said.
I chuckled. 
Sleeping with a vampire was probably the stupidest thing I have ever done. I didn’t know he was a vampire until I woke up one morning in his bed drowsy with two small holes on my neck. By then, I had been a hunter for ten years and The Winchesters were not in the picture yet. I’ve only heard stories about them; some hunters told me that they were monsters in human form, savage, causing chaos wherever they went; and others had kinder words in mind, like heroes, good, impossible to not like. After I realized what he was I was shocked, but not surprised. I had been collecting red flags like baseball cards all of my life, but I’ve never slept with an actual monster. I’ve been with narcissists, egomaniacs, momma’s boys, but never with a vampire. That day I made a mental note: “Never trust guys on dating apps. Sleazy pubs are better for finding sex.”
The day I planned to kill him and his old man was the day that I met the brothers and Charlie. I caught them trying to sneak into the property from the back, since the cameras there weren’t working. I saw them because I was trying to do the same so the servants wouldn’t see me. I could smell hunter’s blood from a mile away and they could too. Sam told me bodies were piling up in LA and I had no idea because they would cover their tracks well and I was too busy having sex with one of the perpetrators. Dean on the other hand was rolling his eyes because he couldn’t believe how reckless and stupid I was. We didn’t start on a good foot whatsoever. He thought I was annoying and I thought he was an obnoxious jerk. That was before we killed the vampire family. 
After we finished the job with minor injuries we went to celebrate –drink. It was Charlie’s idea and I still thank her for that. A few beers later I realized the reason why Dean and I didn’t see eye to eye. It was because we were two sides of the same coin. He was a stubborn nerd with alcoholic tendencies and daddy issues and so was I. And the best part was we both liked the same type of music. Sam and Charlie saw right through us and left after two hours and we stayed and talked for hours. A few more beers and a whole lot of bickering and flirting later, we were fucking in his car like it was our last day on this Earth. I collected one more red flag that night and had too many orgasms. Drunk on sex we both went to his motel room where we had even more sex and barely got any sleep. 
The next morning Sam and Charlie were grinning at us while we were trying to wake ourselves up with caffeine. 
“I see you guys had a lot of fun,” Sam said, noticing our dark cycles. Charlie giggled. 
“Yeah, too much fun,” Dean said, trying to keep his eyes open. 
When it was time to say goodbye and exchange numbers, Charlie had yet another brilliant idea. 
“You should come with us,” she said, leaving the brothers speechless, Dean especially. 
“A hunter alone in a world is a terrible thing,” she told them. 
“Did you just quote Maester Aemon?” I asked her. It was nice meeting a fellow Game of Thrones fan.
“You just became even more awesome!” She said and high-fived me. “She is coming with us, guys!” 
I was indeed alone. I started hunting when my parents got killed by a werewolf when I was 19. I had no extended family just one friend and she had no idea what I was doing in my free time.  
Sam and Dean just stared at each other but naturally agreed since Charlie was running the house and therefore I was moving to Lebanon, Kansas. 
For the first time, I had my room and a place I could call home. The bunker was gray and dark and grew on me rather quickly, but things between Dean and I were strange at first. We both thought we were going to fuck each other’s brains out and never see each other again, but the universe (in this case Charlie) had other plans. He was actively avoiding me until I told him to suck it up and talk to me. We didn’t speak, instead, we were memorizing each other’s scars and moles in different positions
over and over again. We even woke up Sam a couple of times while Charlie was clueless since she slept with headphones.
Slowly, we were falling for each other and each kiss became more fatal than the last and since we now lived together, we were spending every waking moment in each other's presence. It wasn’t until one evening we were drinking and a young handsome guy decided to shoot his shot with me and Dean in a drunken jealous rage told him to piss off when he saw his hand on my hip. When the guy refused to leave me alone Dean punched him in the face and we got kicked out of the bar. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! I was about to tell him to fuck off!” I screamed at him and he just stared at me in complete silence. 
He came closer and cupped my cheeks with his hands kissing me gently. This time the kiss was different; it wasn’t filled with lust; it was more gentle and vulnerable. His lips were as soft as ever and for the first time I was so painfully aware of them, I wanted him to devour me whole. 
“Why are you such a dick sometimes?” I asked, his face inches away from mine.
“I don’t like when people touch what’s mine,” he said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I suddenly became aware of my heartbeat. 
“Since when do I belong to you?” I asked him, trying to keep a cool head even though my body was on fire. We never made it official, but we both knew it was inevitable. 
“Since I belong to you, dickhead,” he said, and from that day on I was his and he was mine. 
 I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in love with Dean. We never said the words, maybe because we were too afraid to verbalize our feelings like grownups, but I knew he loved me just as much as I loved him. His eyes would always sparkle whenever we shared eye contact – even when we fought. He fought a lot, but mostly on hunts, because I would never listen to him and he knew better. In the end, we would get the job done and have angry sex to blow some steam. I’d never thought I’d end up dating a male equivalent of me. I could finally say I was happy with my life, even though objectively speaking it was awful 99% of the time. I was thankful for my chosen family and the fact that I got to experience love for the first time. 
I had a hard time keeping the secret, but six months later it was time to celebrate his day. Sam, Charlie, and I decided to make everything Metallica-themed. His cake was a classic chocolate cake but the candles were two small guitars one white and one black (one had the number 3 on it and the other one had 6), The frosting was black and had a picture of the band from the 80s when Cliff was still alive. Dean loved Cliff’s bass, so we knew he was going to love the cake. 
“Happy birthday, Dean!” We all said in unison as I was putting the cake on the table in front of him. Dean’s eyes widened, sparkling with delight, as he stared at the cake. His mouth dropped open in a gasp, revealing a grin that spread from ear to ear. His cheeks flushed with a rosy shade, and he could hardly contain the bubbling excitement as his eyebrows lifted in disbelief. It was a moment of pure wonder etched across his face. He blew his candles after we sang Happy Birthday to him and now it was time to open the presents. 
“This is from me,” Sam said and gave him a bag. 
 Dean pulled a black shirt from it. 
It was a beautiful Metallica shirt, a brand new one from their 72 Seasons merch collection with their yellow album cover and Metallica written on the top. 
“Holy crap a Metallica shirt!” Dean said looking at the beautiful design. Sam smiled at him. 
“Thank you, Sam! It’s perfect!” He then added. 
“You’re welcome, Dean,” Sam said and hugged his brother.
“Now it’s my turn!” Charlie exclaimed and gave him her present. 
Dean pulled out a CD and a cassette tape from a small box– their 72 Seasons CD and a limited cassette tape of the same album. 
“Oh my God! Charlie!” Dean was bursting with excitement and my heart was melting. I don’t think I remember the last time I saw him this happy. His inner child was healing mine – he deserved the world.
“One is for your car and the other is for your laptop!” 
Dean immediately jumped from the chair and hugged Charlie as tight as possible. 
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
“You’re welcome, birthday boy.”
Now it was my turn. While he was licking the frosting with his fingers I sent him his ticket. 
Dean was staring at me as I was smiling back at him. 
“Check your phone, handsome,” I told him, trying to contain my excitement. 
Dean's brow furrowed just a touch, creating a faint line across his forehead as he checked his phone to see that he got an email from me. 
“What is this?” He mumbled under his breath and opened it. 
Dean’s face lit up with pure joy as realization washed over him. His eyes widened. His mouth dropped open in a wide grin, showcasing his astonishment, while a breathless laugh escaped him. He looked at me for a second before staring back at his phone.
“ARE YOU FREAKIN’ SERIOUS?” He then asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah, and guess what? We will be right in front of the stage,” I said and showed him my ticket on my phone. 
His cheeks flushed with color, and his eyebrows shot up, giving him a look of sheer exhilaration. He could hardly contain himself, there was an almost childlike glee as he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me, completely swept away by the moment. I squealed as he spinned me around like I was a ballerina. It was a mix of shock and joy, a perfect reflection of his excitement to see his favorite band live. When he kissed me my feet hit the ground. 
I knew he would remember his 36th birthday for the rest of his life.
We packed our bags the next day and went to the airport. Our flight was at 6 pm, so we arrived around 3 pm after lunch. Sam and Charlie came with us because Dean didn’t want to leave Baby at the airport parking lot. We said our goodbyes and went to check in. 
“Don’t let him do anything stupid,” Sam told me. 
“Don’t worry I won’t! We will be stupid together,” I grinned and Sam looked concerned. 
The flight was quick and smooth; we didn't even feel it. Since it wasn't my money (well not really) I decided to splurge and booked us two nights in the four-star hotel next to the YouTube Theater where the concert was scheduled. They had a pool, spa, and breakfast buffet, so naturally, I figured Dean was going to appreciate it. 
“I don't have swim trunks, (Y/N),” Dean told me as we were entering our room. 
“Yeah I know, that's why I bought you a pair a couple of weeks ago,” I said.
The room was an epitome of elegance, bathed in warm light from sheer curtains. A plush king-sized bed, adorned with crisp white linens and a couple of soft pillows was calling our names. A sleek nightstand held a vintage lamp in the corner, while a polished desk offered a coffee maker and a big flat-screen TV handing across the bed was screaming Dean’s name. The en-suite bathroom was heaven, featuring a spacious glass shower, complete with fragrant candles and premium toiletries.
Every detail was screaming luxury and I knew I made the right choice.
We put our bags on the floor and I turned to Dean to see him staring back at me. 
“Happy birthday, handsome!” I said and kissed him gently. He immediately pulled me closer to him, closing the gap between us, deepening the kiss, and making me moan a little. I could feel his stubble on my face, his hands on my hips, slowing moving downwards to cup my ass. 
“Shower?” He asked before moving his lips to my neck. 
“Please,” I managed to say. 
After having a quick shower we went to bed and he made love to me until we eventually fell asleep only knowing the sound of each other's names. I loved that man with all my heart and soul. 
The next morning we woke up at around 8 am, which was our usual time, and went to have breakfast. 
The breakfast buffet was a sight to see. There were freshly baked pastries like croissants, danishes, and muffins, all warm and inviting. A big bowl of colorful fruits sat nearby, with strawberries, melons, and pineapple ready to be picked.
In another section, you could find hot dishes: scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and plump sausages. There was also a selection of artisanal breads, with butter and a variety of jams to choose from. The drink station had fresh coffee and juices. Dean and I were salivating. 
“Oh, this bacon looks crisp!” Dean said joyfully as he put a handful of bacon on his plate. 
“If monsters don't kill us, high cholesterol sure will,” I chuckled and put a couple of pieces next to my eggs. 
Breakfast of champions: bacon, eggs, fluffy croissants, coffee and for dessert fluffy American pancakes with maple syrup. No matter where we went we would always eat the same thing for breakfast.
“The pancakes are so good, my God!” I said as I stuffed my face.
“I need more bacon!” Dean said and went to get more. 
After breakfast, we ended up taking an hour-long post-breakfast nap.
The concert was at 9 pm. After we woke up Dean wanted to go swimming before lunch so I gave him his new and only pair of swim trunks: blue shorts with yellow ducks all over. 
“Seriously?” Dean said, looking at himself in the mirror next to our bed.
“I look ridiculous.”
I tried so hard not to laugh.
“It was either ducks or small purple dildos.” 
Dean's face went blank as he looked at himself once more.
“Ducks are good.” 
I, on the other hand, bought a black bikini that was perfect for my body. The sleek design highlighted my figure, and the black color added a touch of elegance. I was oozing confidence and sexiness and Dean couldn't get enough of it. His gaze never left my body and it was filled with admiration and affection. His expression was a mix of pride and appreciation. He was on another planet.
“Um?” He asked, his eyes still fixed on my figure, his mouth partially opened. 
“Your gun is showing.” 
He looked down and saw what I meant. 
“Let me take care of that before we go!” I chuckled and pointed to the bed. 
The pool was nice and big. After an hour of fucking like rabbits we went for a swim only to realize we were too exhausted to do anything with our bodies, so we went to the sauna. 
In the sauna, my skin felt like it was being enveloped in a warm embrace. The heat made me aware of every pore, and I could feel the sweat starting to bead up and trickle down. It was both soothing and invigorating; my skin felt alive, flushed with warmth. 
“I can't believe you planned all of this,” Dean said and closed his eyes, enjoying the sweat dripping from his skin.
I wanted to say it. I wanted to say those goddamn words, but I bit my tongue once more. 
“I know, I'm the best,” I said proudly, while in the back of my mind the sentence "Love makes you do crazy things" echoed over and over again. 
Lunch time, another post food nap and it was time to get ready. Dean wore his usual: jeans, a new Metallica shirt he got from Sam, a leather jacket, and combat boots. I decided it was time to turn myself into a rock’n’roll bombshell. I was going to wear leather black pants, Dean's old Ride the Lightning shirt I “borrowed” and never gave it back, and my staple: black Dr. Martens. I did my hair all nice and curly, and my makeup was a bit over the top and not something I usually do.
I was standing in front of the mirror as I started with a flawless matte base, then created a smokey eye with deep blacks and a dramatic wing. Thick eyeliner and voluminous false lashes (that I bought just for this occasion) made my eyes pop. I swiped on dark, matte plum lipstick and defined my brows to frame my face.
A touch of contour enhanced my cheekbones, and I added a hint of shimmer to my inner corners. Feeling powerful and sexy I was ready to heal my inner child with the love of my life. 
“How do I look?” I asked Dean as I put on my leather jacket. 
He bit his lower lip and scanned every inch of me in a second.
“Freakin’ gorgeous,” he exclaimed, making me blush. 
He was never shy to give me compliments and show me how attracted he was to me. Even in pajamas, dying from period cramps, and crying because my favorite ice cream was sold out, he would still tell me how amazing and pretty I was. Like I said, I loved that man with all my heart and soul, it was pathetic and beautiful.
I kissed him and we were on our way. 
We came four hours earlier at around 5 pm, a few minutes before they opened the gates and let us in. In an hour Ice Nine Kills was going to perform and after them Five Fingers Death Punch. When we came in, the pit was already filled with people, but it wasn't full yet. We found a spot just a few inches from the stage. My heart was pounding, I couldn't believe I was there, while Dean was squeezing my hand tightly not wanting to let go. 
“Do you want a beer?” Dean asked me. 
“I don't think that's a good idea. If we drink we will have to go and if we have to go we will abandon this perfect spot. A lot of people are already coming in.” 
Dean nodded.
“That will do,” I agreed, considering we would be standing probably until midnight, staying hydrated was important.
He left to buy us two cups and came back after five minutes. The space was already getting crowded and I was growing impatient. 
“I still can't believe we are here,” he told me. He was buzzing with excitement, eyes shining and bouncing on his heels. 
“Do you think they will play Enter Sandman?” I asked him. 
“I hope so. Pops used to play that song all the time in the car when I was a kid. Sam hated it.” 
“My dad used to sing me that song whenever I couldn't fall asleep. I was a lousy sleeper but for some reason, that song would always put me into a coma.”
I told Dean as I remembered how much I missed my old man.
“You're still a lousy sleeper,” he said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. 
“Yeah, because now I cannot sleep without you,” I said and kissed his cheek. I always had trouble sleeping, going to bed after 3 am, waking up at 3 pm, tossing and turning, nightmares, and so on
 until I started sleeping next to him. I was never a big cuddler, especially since I would always feel uncomfortable whenever someone would try to hold me while I slept, but with him it was different. I would sleep like a baby next to him, he was home to me. His heartbeat was my white noise and his warmth was my safe space. 
He smiled back at me and at that moment the show began. 
Ice Nine Kills was
something else. Dean and I were trying to decide if we liked the music or not, but one thing we agreed on was: that we LOVED the performance. Gore, blood, and chainsaws were all far too familiar, but we especially loved horror references. The music was not bad, but considering we were both classic rock fanatics it wasn't something we would actively listen to. 
“I love the Nightmare on Elm Street reference,” I commented after they finished the first song. 
“Not bad,” Dean agreed as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and pulled me closer. 
We were jamming to songs we'd never heard before. People around us were either utterly confused or dancing and head-banging like it was their last day on Earth. 
“Oh! That's the Texas Chainsaw Massacre!” Dean said in my ear. 
“I know,” I laughed, but I don't think he heard me considering the music was pounding in my ears. 
After a good hour, they were done. The crowd was growing impatient again and so were we. 
“Five Finger Death Punch is next!” I said and took a sip of my almost empty cup of water. 
“I'm kinda excited about that.”
And to be honest I was too. We heard a couple of their songs like Wrong Side of Heaven and Jekyll and Hyde and instantly fell in love with the singer's voice. Dean even said the vocalist sounded a lot like David Draiman of Disturbed and I definitely could hear that. 
We were waiting for what felt like hours and my legs started to hurt. I forgot what it felt like standing for so long; the last time I went to a concert I was 16 and my family was still alive. Dad took me to see Deep Purple, it was an unforgettable day. 
Five Finger Death Punch came at exactly 8 pm. The band made everyone jump and scream. Their energy was unmatched and the vocalist was giving his all. His voice was strong. The guitarist even threw a couple of picks and Dean almost caught one.
“Damn it!” He shouted. 
“Don't worry, maybe you will catch one from Kirk later.” 
We all completely lost it when they closed the show with the iconic song Dean and I both loved: Jekyll and Hyde. I was singing my heart out with my man and the rest of the crowd while the singer was jumping around the stage. This whole band had such a strong presence, and I decided to check their other stuff after the show. 
"Thank you all for being an incredible audience! Your energy means the world to us. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we loved performing for you. It was an honor to open for one of the greatest bands to ever exist! Enjoy the rest of the show and be safe!” The singer said and the whole stadium screamed and clapped. 
“DAMN RIGHT!” Dean yelled and I smiled. 
Seeing Dean so at peace with life and enjoying the present moment made my heart flutter. That man deserved the world and even though I couldn't give him one where he was truly happy (mainly because that would require him to leave hunting behind and he would never do that) I could still make his world a little bit brighter. 
I turned around and kissed him, leaving a smudge of lipstick on his perfectly full lips. 
“Are you ready?” I asked him whipping the stain from his lips with my thumb. 
Dean grinned widely, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Abso-freakin’-lutely!” 
People around us were shouting, screaming, and clapping from excitement, and some people went to get more beer, and pee before the show– it was a beautiful chaos around us. 
“My legs are killing me already,” Dean complained, trying to stretch as much as he could in the sea of people. 
“Yeah, mine turned to stone,” I said and checked my phone only to see they were 20 minutes late. Being late was my biggest pet peeve; even the legendary band that was Metallica didn’t have an excuse. I groaned silently and looked at the empty stage again. I was impatient and filled with adrenaline; ready to sing my heart out, but at the same time I was missing the hotel bed. 
Ten minutes later, our favorite chaotic drummer appeared, sending the whole stadium into a state of pure excitement and borderline madness. He waved and then Robert and Kirk appeared with their guitars and big smiles on their faces. The crowd was cheering even louder. 
“Kirk’s hair is fabulous!” I told Dean, while we were clapping. 
“Yeah, Sam should take some notes!”
And finally, there he was, in the flesh, our favorite voice and my favorite silver fox: James. I've had a crush on James ever since I was a little girl and seeing him right in front of me in his black leather pants, black boots, black shirt, and his beautiful gray beard and hair made my heart beat faster. The man had the presence of a God and I was his loyal worshiper. 
“Oh my God! IT'S HAPPENING!” Dean yelled and hugged me from behind. 
As the lights dimmed and the crowd erupted, Dean and I felt a surge of adrenaline once again. The opening chords of Ride the Lightning sliced through the air, and we couldn’t contain ourselves. With a wild grin, Dean threw his fists in the air, the pulse of the music igniting a fire within him. I was too starstruck to sing, my voice too shy to come out as I was standing there with my phone in the air trying to record a video with my shaky hands. It was my dad's favorite song and I wanted to immortalize this very moment.
Meanwhile, Dean was transported into another dimension. He swayed to the heavy riffs, shouting the lyrics as they echoed around him. Each note was a release, a reminder of the thrill of being alive. At that moment, we were just fans—no monsters, no worries—lost in the pure magic of live music.
“GOOD EVENING INGLEWOOD! ARE YOU READY TO HAVE SOME FUN?” James' voice was powerful with a gravelly timbre that conveyed excitement. We all screamed and with that, they started playing the second song. 
“HOLY SHIT!” I yelled when I realized it was indeed For Whom The Bell Tolls.
As the iconic opening riff surged through the venue, Dean’s heart raced. He felt the familiar rush of nostalgia wash over him, memories of late nights with Sam on the road in the Impala echoing in his mind. The deep, heavy chords resonated in his chest, and he instinctively raised his fists, the crowd's energy fueling his excitement. 
With each thundering beat, he found himself singing along. His grin widened, and he couldn’t help but sway with the music, lost in the moment. For Dean, it wasn’t just a song; it was a reminder of everything he fought for—the bond with his brother, the battles they faced, and the moments of joy amidst the chaos. This was rock and roll at its finest, and he was right where he belonged.
 I, on the other hand, was trying so hard not to cry. The haunting melody of For Whom the Bell Tolls wrapped around me, pulling at my heartstrings. I felt a mix of exhilaration and nostalgia, the weight of the moment overwhelming as memories flooded back—times spent with my family, laughter shared, my mom telling my dad to turn the volume down. Oh, how I missed my parents at that very moment! The intensity of the crowd, the energy of the band, and the raw emotion in the music made it hard to hold back tears. It was a cathartic release. Dean was standing behind me pulling me closer with one hand as I was holding onto his index finger. I wiped my tears and sang my heart out for my mom and dad and after they finished the song I was left with a slight pain in my right ear. I might have forgotten to bring earplugs, but the truth was I didn't want to nor cared about protecting my ears from potential damage. To quote Dean: “Metallica is too good for earplugs.” 
After bringing back so many good memories it was time to mix it up and play something from their newest album.
The melody of Lux Æterna hit me like a bolt of electricity. It opened with a powerful, aggressive guitar riff that instantly raised the tension in the air. As the verses rolled in, the haunting yet energetic melody intertwined with a sense of urgency. When the chorus exploded, the vocals soared, filling me with a mix of exhilaration and defiance. I was completely engulfed in the sound, feeling every note resonate deep within me, embodying everything I loved about Metallica as Dean pulled me closer to him while we were jumping in sync. 
“Lux Æternaaaaaaaaa!” We would sing completely out of tune with James. 
As Lux Æterna blared through the speakers, the crowd became a living entity, energy surging with every note. Fans pumped their fists and sang along, their voices rising in a powerful roar. Some swayed with eyes closed, while others jumped, danced, and headbanged, united in exhilaration. 
“You guys are amazing!” James said. He was covered in sweat and I was salivating. The man was a definition of aging like fine wine and my daddy issues were showing. 
I turned to Dean who was hypnotized, his eyes never leaving the stage. 
"Would you give me a hall pass if I cheated on you with James?"
Dean arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk crossing his face. “James, huh?”
Amusement in his eyes, he added. “If you think I’m letting you run off with a rock star, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Really?” I smirked.
“You’re mine—rock star or not.” 
I couldn’t help but laugh at Dean’s reaction. “You think I’d leave you for James Hetfield? Really?” I teased, arching an eyebrow. His playful jealousy was endearing, and it warmed my heart.
Dean smirked, leaning in with that familiar teasing glint in his eyes. “Just making sure you know where my head’s at,” he said, his tone light but with an edge of seriousness.
“Rock star or not, I’m the one who gets to take you home.” He chuckled, and I could see the warmth in his gaze. “It’s you and me against the world, always.” At that moment, I felt a rush of affection, knowing our bond was stronger than any fleeting fantasy.
As the opening notes of Until It Sleeps fill the venue, the crowd erupts into a frenzy, a sea of raised fists. The energy was electric, and I felt the pulse of the music vibrating through me as everyone swayed together, singing along with wild abandon.
Beside me, Dean’s face lit up with pure joy, his excitement infectious. I glanced at him, my heart swelling with happiness, knowing this moment was deepening our connection. Surrounded by the thrumming bass and the roar of the crowd, I realized this night will be one we’ll always treasure. The crowd swayed around us, but at this moment, it was just us. He sang every word with fervor, and I couldn't help but join in.
The set list was out of this world: Whiplash, Too Far Gone? Welcome Home (Sanitarium), No Leaf Clover, The Call of Ktulu, and Moth into Flame are just a few they chose. 
During Wherever I May Roam Dean and I were screaming every word so hard that I knew our vocal cords would hate us later. We would usually listen to that song after every successful hunt. It became a staple, a reminder of why we do what we do, and a beacon of hope. 
“HOLY SHIT!” I shouted at him with a huge grin on my face.
“HOLY SHIT!” Dean shouted back and kissed me.
The band was looking so good.
I loved seeing Robert jamming with the fans with his signature long and beautiful braids while absolutely nailing every note on his base and Kirk just being Kirk and owning the stage in his green leather jacket. Lars was an absolute beast even at 60 years old. 
When they started playing Inamorata, James took his time to walk around the stage while playing his guitar and smiled at us all. I could see his face as clear as day: his blue eyes had that sparkle of happiness; he had been doing this for decades and you could still see how much it made him overjoyed to see people enjoying his band's music, his smile was infectious and captivating and I couldn't believe he was standing right in front of me. 
I turned to see Dean – he was completely mesmerized, eyes wide and mouth slightly open, staring at James as if he were witnessing a miracle. I chuckled softly, knowing he was the happiest man alive. It was beautiful to see this vulnerable side of him, and I couldn’t help but lean closer, sharing in his joy as the music enveloped us.
The next two songs were Blackened and One. To be completely honest I forgot about Blackened. I was so high on adrenaline, oxytocin, and serotonin that I couldn't remember the song and I was too embarrassed to ask Dean about it. I knew it was an old song, a classic, and I knew Dean would give me a death stare so I kept my mouth shut and listened to him sing (yell). 
After the forgotten song James and his bandmates decided to rip our hearts out.
The ominous sounds of distant gunfire and explosions played through the speakers and the crowd fell into a hushed reverence. The chilling audio of war set an intense backdrop for the song that used to make me cry. The moment I recognized the opening notes of  One, a thrill shot through me, and I felt my pulse quicken in anticipation. It was as if the world around me faded away, leaving only the haunting melody that resonated with the depths of my soul. I never thought I would hear this song live. My dad showed me the music video when I was eleven (my mother was furious, and thought it was inappropriate) and I cried my eyes out, but loved the song. I rarely listen to that song though, it was too raw and reflected sorrow and despair in a way I knew far too well. 
Dean took my hand and placed a soft kiss as James started to sing. I pulled him by his shirt and kissed him, wanting this moment to last forever. He cupped my face pulling me closer, ignoring the sound of people around us screaming the lyrics. It was just me and him, always. 
When I broke the kiss I was inches away from his face. 
As the crowd roared and the lights pulsed, I turned to Dean, adrenaline still rushing through me. With One echoing around us, I blurted out, “I love you.”
Time froze as surprise washed over his face, vulnerability breaking through his bravado. “Yeah?” he asked, his voice barely audible over the music. At that moment, amidst the chaos, I saw that beneath his tough exterior, he was just as scared of love as he was of losing it.
His eyes locked onto mine, and a slow smile spread across his face. “You mean that?” he asked, his voice softening amidst the music.
Before I could respond, he pulled me close, his arm wrapping around my waist. “I love you too,” he whispered in my ear.
At that moment, surrounded by the concert’s chaos, everything felt right. 
Throughout the concert, I took a couple of videos and even got a picture of James shredding his guitar for my new phone wallpaper, but nothing could prepare me for the next song.
“ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?” James said as the opening riff of Enter Sandman sliced through the air, the arena exploded into a frenzy of energy. Lights flashed in sync with the relentless beat, illuminating faces filled with exhilaration. The heavy guitar reverberated through my body, a primal force that united the crowd in a shared heartbeat.
“DEAN!” I shouted, jumping up and down in excitement. 
“I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW!” He screamed. 
Everyone was singing, fists pumping, the raw intensity of Metallica's sound creating a charged atmosphere that felt almost electric. It was a moment of pure chaos and exhilaration, where the music enveloped us, and nothing else mattered.
Suddenly giant yellow and black balls began to fall from above, bouncing energetically into the crowd. They bounced and rolled, creating an atmosphere of pure chaos and fun. Fans reached up, trying to catch them, laughter and cheers erupting as the balls added an unexpected burst of excitement to the already electrifying performance. The sight of those bright, playful orbs amidst the intensity of the music created a surreal, unforgettable experience. One fell on us too as we jumped with other people making it fly to our left. I was trying to take a video but my hand was shaking while I couldn't stop jumping next to Dean screaming and feeling my throat slowly tighten. 
Kirk nailed his solo, while his hair stayed fabulous and James was getting himself ready for the big finale. 
“Hush, baby, don't say a word,”
“And never mind that noise you heard,”
“It's just the beasts under your bed,”
“In your closet, in your head!” 
Dean and I were screaming at each other's faces, filled with nothing but love for one another. 
“Exit light!”
“Enter night!”
“Grain of sand!”
“Exit light!”
“Enter night!”
“Take my hand!”
“We're off to never-never land, yeah”
James voice was so raw, so strong, I was still trying to figure out how he was 61 years old. 
“Yo, whoa!” 
The song ended. I was already getting sad because I knew it was the end. I checked my phone and it was almost midnight. 
The song finished and we all cheered and clapped wanting more.
I heard people yell encore, but after 15 songs they were done. Lars threw his drumsticks at us and someone behind us caught it. He said thank you but the crowd was so loud I couldn't hear him. Until he got in front of the microphone and said: “You were amazing tonight! Thank you for coming!” 
We all screamed even louder. Robert came and tossed a couple of picks and people in front of us were fighting to catch it. He threw five picks in total, covering every part of the pit.
“Come on! I want one!” Dean yelled. We were all still clapping. 
“Wait for Kirk! We are close!” I told him. 
He indeed came next and blessed fans with a couple of picks, but Dean was now too close to catch one and it flew right above his head

James, covered in sweat and looking like a God came right in front of us. I was standing there, completely ignoring Dean and trying to remember every corner of that man's face. While I was in Neverland and watching James throw his picks I didn't even register Dean screaming my name. 
“Huh?” I snapped back finally and saw him holding a small white pick that had White Fang written on it.
“OH MY GOD!” I yelled. 
“I DID IT!” He yelled back. 
I loved seeing my man truly happy. I loved that band and I loved everything about that day. 
Getting out of the venue was a nightmare. The crowd surged around us, bodies jostling and voices blending into a chaotic mix of excitement and exhaustion. I clung to Dean’s arm, grateful for his steady presence as we stepped into the cool night air.
“That was insane,” I said, smiling up at him. He grinned back, eyes still shining with adrenaline. As we navigated through the sea of fans, I felt a rush of happiness, knowing we had shared something truly unforgettable.
“That was incredible!” Dean exclaimed, his voice full of energy. “ Best night ever! Best birthday ever!” His smile widened as he looked at me, clearly still buzzing from the concert. 
My legs were in pain, I was thirsty and sleepy but it was all worth it. 
We were back in our hotel room 10 minutes later, both covered in sweat ready to sleep. 
I took off my clothes right away, feeling like my legs were on fire. 
“I'm in so much pain!” I complained. 
“I cannot feel my legs!” Dean said. 
“I'm gonna shower. Wanna join?” I was in my underwear standing next to him waiting for him to stop staring at my boobs.
“Coming!” He simply said and started taking off his pants while his eyes never left my boobs. I loved the fact he loved my body. I, like any woman in this cruel “man's world” sometimes would look at myself in the mirror and just hate what was staring back at me. His little stares were a strong reassurance that I was bullshitting.
Usually, showers meant fooling around (shower sex was complicated), but we were too tired for anything but kisses. We lazily washed ourselves in silence, kissing each other here and there. 
“So you love me, huh?” He smirked between kisses. I just smiled at him as the warm water was pouring down my back. 
“Yeah, imagine that! You're loveable,” I said as I was shampooing his hair. His eyes were closed but his mouth formed a small o. 
“Shut up!” I told him. 
After we were all nice and clean it was time to finally get some sleep. I put on a clean pair of underwear and Dean's old Led Zeppelin shirt I also “borrowed” and he put on a clean pair of black boxers. 
We snuggled underneath the blanket, my head resting on his chest, feeling my body slowly relaxing and falling asleep. 
“You really think I'm loveable?” Dean asked, suddenly. I was half asleep, but this question tore my heart a little and now I was wide awake. I knew he thought he was unworthy of love, unlovable, unclean and it made me incredibly sad, especially because he was the definition of a hero with a heart of gold. 
“It’s hard to not fall in love with you, Dean. If you could only see yourself through my eyes, you would understand,” I told him and lifted my head and kissed him, but this time deepening the kiss. I was tired, and my body was in pain, but the urge to be close to him, to love him, was consuming me. He moaned into the kiss and immediately got on top of me. My hands went in his damp hair. 
We kissed for a while, our souls intertwined, our bodies keeping each other warm before his hand went into my now wet panties, his finger entered me making me arch my back, moaning even louder into the kiss. I was still in pain, but Dean's touch was slowly healing me until all I could feel was pleasure and love. His finger suddenly left my panties and I was left needy and desperate, but he wasted no time and took off his boxers, his dick fully hard. “Lift your hips, sweetheart!” He demanded and I did, letting him take off my underwear. 
He kissed me again before he positioned himself between my legs and entered me. I was so wet and desperate that I took him all instantly. 
“You feel so good!” He whispered, his voice deep and raspy, sending shivers down my whole body. I dug my nails into his back as he started to move, light moans escaping my lips.
We were one. One soul, two bodies, always. 
“Dean!” I moaned pathetically over and over again as his pace became more erratic. I was so close, so so close.
“God, I love when you say my name!” He managed to say as his face was buried in my neck. “Say it again!” He said and slammed into me. 
“FUCK, DEAN!” I screamed, digging my nails into his back, even harder. I could feel the orgasm coming like a tidal wave. 
“Oh God!” He moaned into my ear and slammed into me over and over again. 
My toes curled, my whole body stiff as my skin was covered in goosebumps. An intense wave of electricity rushed through me as I came so hard I could see stars. Dean didn't stop until he came into me, filling me up completely. I'll have to worry about potential pregnancy tomorrow since we completely forgot the concept of condoms. 
We were both breathless, covered in sweat, and panting in each other's faces. 
“Best birthday ever?” I asked him.
“Best birthday ever,” he smiled. 
I was not ready to check out tomorrow. I was not ready to board that plane and say goodbye to this hotel room. I was not ready for this to end. 
As I was laying on his chest, slowly drifting away with my thoughts and as my body relaxed and felt heavier with each passing minute, Dean was playing with my hair and before I started dreaming I heard him whisper:
“I love you so much, sweetheart.” 
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